Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Fuel Prices Are Ridiculas!!!

Wow! This is outrageous! It's almost $4.00 a gallon here at the stations. How is it possible for someone to survive on minimum wage these days? If it costs more to live, everyone's pay should increase. It needs more balance before inflation gets worse. We all need fuel to get around. I have a Jeep Liberty and it stays thirsty. LOL!! I am happy that I no longer have to transport my son back and forth to school, due to summer vacation. How are the truck drivers affording this? How can ANYONE that is not rich afford this?


Anonymous said...

gas prices aree unreal!!

Carolyn said...

Thanks For Leaving A Comment!

weepingprophet said...

To my fellow burdened citizens,

I compose this entreaty with a growing fury which has become such a rarity among the ranks of the sheeple. Wage increases are ceasing for many, or even giving way to layoffs, and yet prices for virtually all goods and services are increasing. Gas prices are above 4 dollars per gallon, and Diesel prices are approaching 5 dollars per gallon. This must end now.

I am calling for a unified and articulate American voice to be raised loud and clear and to be heeded by the political captains of this sinking ship. Simply put, fix the problem now or lose your positions of power and prestige. I want $2 per gallon gas and diesel by November 1st, 2008 or all incumbents will be voted out of office in the subsequent cycle of elections. If the incumbents need a sloganized translation-
Two Dollar Gas or Adios! Two Dollar Fuel or You Are Through! Two Dollar Gas or Good Bye! Two Dollar per gallon or Hit the Road!

This means that if our plea to the politicians of state and federal legislatures is not answered with decisive action (Two Dollar gas/diesel) by November 1st we will vote for the main opposition candidate to those already holding the positions (incumbents). Cut gas and diesel prices in half or you will all be removed from office via democratic voting. This may mean voting for candidates we do not like, or removing a great pork barrel senator or congressman, but enough is enough.

Dear politicians: we do not want a suspended gas tax, we do not want to see you crawl on your knees to OPEC for minor relief, we do not want to see you tapping into the Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR), we do not want any more staged productions of oil execs being grilled in front of dour Congresspersons, we do not want other taxes raised or money borrowed. No, we want you to correct prices by November 1st with honesty, integrity, and American ingenuity, or goodbye.

Be careful fellow citizens because you will hear many discouraging words from a surprisingly diverse range of sources- “Clearing out the legislative branches will solve nothing” “This is a knee jerk reaction by an ignorant populace” “The solution to this problem is much more complex than this impetuous response” “This will only make things worse”. My response is to say, “The politicians have done nothing for me so far, so let’s clear house and start over.”

There does need to be a permanent solution on the radar and here is a piece of it.
Our long term plan must be to:
1) Increase supply and decrease demand for fossil fuels.
2) Aggressively pursue alternate energy sources/ fuels, especially hydro and nuclear powers, and methane fuel.
3) Responsibly expand American drilling operations.
4) Build more refineries with more efficient technologies.
5) Relax blending regulations for refineries.
6) Put the speculation racket under a microscope.
7) Place “Big Oil” on notice especially regarding collusion and price gouging.
8) Allow countries such as Iraq to use oil as currency for a broader range of American exports.
9) Increase R&D budgets for public transit solutions, vehicle enhancements, etc.
10) As soon as feasible dismiss OPEC.

In conclusion, please rise up with me and make our voices heard. We are tired and we will be obeyed by our representatives or will we change representation. They can and will fix the gas price problem if their treasured positions are on the line. Join the fight, raise a racket, be heard, and God willing the power will return to “We the People.”

Thanks for your time.

Remember, we want $2 per gallon gas by November 1st, 2008 or we will vote to replace all incumbents in our state and federal legislatures.

Jeremiah Adams